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The Perfect Sales Process.


STRUGGLING TO CLOSE HIGH-VALUE BOOKINGS IN YOUR TATTOO STUDIO? HERE'S A SALES PROCESS: STEP 1: NICHE AD COPY Your ads should speak directly to your target audience. Separate ads for different demographics ensure your message resonates, grabbing attention right away. STEP 2: AUTHORITATIVE POSITIONING Use lines like, “Did you see our feature in the tattoo magazine?” or “A consult with our top artist typically costs £100.” This positions your studio as a sought-after destination. STEP 3: TESTIMONIAL REEL Equip your team with a reel of testimonials addressing common concerns. This powerful social proof reassures potential clients about the value of your services. STEP 4: PAIN-BASED QUESTIONNAIRE When a prospect visits, present a questionnaire focused on their tattoo aspirations and past experiences. This sets the stage for your pitch and primes them for commitment. STEP 5: AUTHORITATIVE REINFORCEMENT External endorsements enhance credibility. Display certifications, feature celebrity endorsements, and showcase media features prominently in your studio. STEP 6: THE CLOSER FORMULA This framework includes Clarifying needs, Labeling the problem, Overviewing past attempts, Selling the dream (not the process), Explaining away concerns, and Reinforcing the decision. This method clarifies the client's goals and addresses their hesitations. STEP 7: IRRESISTIBLE OFFER Your offer must be compelling. Include bonuses, a bold guarantee, limited spots, urgency, and flexible payment options to make it hard to resist. STEP 8: EITHER/OR ASSUMED CLOSE Present two attractive options, removing the 'no' choice. This subtle tactic nudges the client towards a positive decision. STEP 9: IMMEDIATE REINFORCEMENT Once they book, offer studio swag, a welcome call, or a personalized note. This enhances their experience and strengthens loyalty. Adopt this approach in your tattoo studio for improved sales results and client satisfaction.

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